MassCamps - Florence through Leominster

Gill, MA

Greenfield, MA

Rindge, NH

Hinsdale, MA

Many Massachusetts towns

Great Barrington, MA

MetroWest YMCA
Framingham, MA
 Hopkinton, MA

Hudson, MA

Framingham, MA

Summer Sage
Foxboro, MA

City/Town Name of Camp

Summer Tel

Winter Tel

Florence Recreation Adventures in Recreation (617) 587-1040 (617) 587-1040
Florence Recreation Kids Zone (413) 584-5457 (413) 584-5457
Florence Recreation Safety  Villages (413) 587-1040 (413) 587-1040
Foxboro Hockomock Area YMCA (508) 543-2523 (508) 543-2523
Foxboro Red & Brown Goaltenders Camp (508) 698-0677 (508) 698-0677
Foxboro Sarah Behn Basketball Camp (508) 549-0997

(508) 549-0997

Foxboro Summer Sage (508) 543-9619 (508) 543-9619
Framingham Boston Bulldogs Renegades Academy (508) 872-8998 (508) 873-8998
Framingham Cape Cod Crusaders (508) 872-8998 (508) 872-8998
Framingham Danforth Art - Museum - School (508)620-0937


Framingham Kids Street - Fitness, Fun, Friends (781) 444.8255

(781) 444.8255

Framingham MetroWest YMCA Summer Day Camp (508) 879-4420 (508) 879-4420
Framingham Pilgrim Day Camp (508) 875-8215 (508) 875-4548
Franklin Adirondack Club Summer Camps
Adventure Camp, Arts Camp, Tennis Camp

Summer Experience

(508) 541-1400

(508) 541-1400

Franklin Dean College Summer Programs (508) 541-1624 (508) 541-1624
Franklin Encore Music Academy (508) 533-7700 (508) 533-7700
Franklin Franklin Country Day Camp (508) 570-8317 (508) 570-8317
Franklin Hockomock Area YMCA (508) 528-8708 (508) 528-8708
Freetown Camp Welch (508) 644-5275 (617) 672-6340
Freetown Cathedral Camp (508) 763-8874 (508) 763-8874
Gardner Mt. Wachusett Community College (978) 632-6600 (978) 632-6600
Georgetown Camp Leslie (978) 352-8060 (978) 352-8060
Georgetown Workshop in the Woods - Summer Program (978) 462-5528 (978) 462-5528
Gill NMH Summer (413) 498-3290 (413) 498-3290
Gloucester Annisquam Arts Children's Summer Studio (978) 283-9638 (978) 283-9638
Gloucester Finest Kind Charters-Kids Summer fishing experience (978) 360-1205 (978) 360-1205
Gloucester Edge on Science (315) 773-5673 (315) 773-5673 
Grafton Brigham Hill Equestrian Center - summer program (774) 291-9035 (774) 291-9035
Grafton Grafton Recreation Summer Days Program (508) 839-5335 (508) 839-5335
Grafton Perro Shotokan Karate (508) 733-8021 (508) 733-8021
Grafton Touchstone Community School (508) 839-0038 (508) 839-0038
Granby Beverly Frank Pead d/b/a/ Horizon School (978) 927-5200 (978) 927-5200
Great Barrington Kutsher's Sports Academy (954) 688-7901 (954) 688-7901
Great Barrington URJ Eisner & Crane Lake Camps (201) 722-0400 (413) 232-4257
Great Barrington YMCA Camp Hi-Rock (413) 528-1227 (413) 528-1227
Greenfield Stoneleigh - Burnham Summer Programs (413) 774-2711 (413) 774-2711

(617) 797-6619

(617) 797-6619

Groton Camp Grotonwood (978) 448-5763 (978) 448-5763
Hadley Kidsports Day Camp (413) 586-0633 (413) 586-0633
Hamilton Pingree School Day Camp (978) 468-5121 (978) 468-5121
Hamilton Boston Soccer Academy - at Pingree School (617) 797-6619

(617) 797-6619

Hampden Soccer City (413) 543-8554 (413) 543-8554
Hanover Camp Fire USA - Zoo Camp - Camp Ponkiwanee

(617) 745-4150

(617) 745-4150

Hanover LETGO YOUR MIND (603) 731-8047

(603) 731-8047

Harwich Pleasant Bay Community Boating (508) 945-7245 (508) 945-7245
Harvard Camp Green Eyrie (978) 456-3518 (508) 853-1070
Hingham Summer Arts at Derby (781) 740-4766 (781) 740-4766
Hinsdale Camp Danbee

(413) 655-8115

(800) 392-3752

Hinsdale Camp Emerson

(413) 655-8123

(914) 779-9406

Hinsdale GameBreaker Lacrosse Camp- Berkshire Boys Lacrosse and Leadership Cam

(800) 944 7112

(800) 944 7112
Hinsdale Camp Taconic (413) 655-2717 (201) 871-2086
Holland Camp Mishnoah (413) 245-3455 (413) 739-4743
Holyoke Boys & Girls Club of Holyoke (413) 534-7366
Holyoke Camp Brooks (413) 534-5631
Holyoke Girls Incorporated (413) 532-6247
Holyoke The Salvation Army Enrichment Program (413) 532-6316
Hopkinton Boating in Boston's Summer Camps (617) 299-3392 (617) 299-3392
Hopkinton Hopkinton Parks & Recreation (508) 497 9750 (508) 497 9750
Hopkinton Major League Soccer Camps (800) 680-6272 (800) 680-6272
Hopkinton Metro West YMCA Summer Day Camp (508) 435-9345 (508) 435-9345
Hudson Maple Grove Equestrian Camp (978) 314-1987 (978) 314-1987
Hudson Pompositticut Farm Day Camp

(978) 562-0968

(978) 562-0968
Hull Sunset Point Children's Vocation House (781) 925-0710 (781) 925-0710
Ipswich SummerQuest at the Crane Estate (978) 356-4351 (978) 356-4351

(617) 797-6619

(617) 797-6619

Lee Camp Lenox (413) 243-2223 (954)340-6634
Lenox Belvoir Terrace (212) 580-3398
Lenox Camp Mah-Kee-Nac (800) 753-9118 (800) 753-9118
Lenox Mass Audubon's Pleasant Valley Nature Camp (413) 637-0320 (413) 637-0320
Leominster Adventure Kids, Inc. (978) 466-6234 (978) 466-6234
Leominster Kidzworld (617) 534-2992 (617) 534-2992

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